Huerta Guadián
Romantic park in which the Romanesque hermitage of San Juan Bautista is located
An example of a romantic park, it is located in the heart of the city and is sifted by fabulous specimens of oak, fir, birch or chestnut that coexist with flower plantations and small sculptural groups scattered among its gardens. It is an ideal place to rest and read, but it is also the place to enjoy —even in the summer— an intense program of concerts and live musical performances. Designed in 1870 as an orchard and municipal nursery, at the beginning of the century it was reformed and adapted to its current use as a public garden. Inside is the Romanesque Church of San Juan Bautista de Villanueva del Río Pisuerga, a simple but fabulous temple that dates from the 12th century and was rescued before its flood by the waters of the Aguilar de Campoo reservoir. Another element to highlight is its sundial located on a stone pedestal, whose shadow projects the hours. This shadow is directed towards 12 smaller Ionic columns that form a circle of 24 radii: 12 for the o'clock hours and another 12 for the averages.