Dock of the Canal de Castilla

Home >Route > "Carravaca" route
8.2 km walk of the "Monte el Viejo, trails and roads to climb" program of the Municipal Sports Board.
It is a “marked out” route, that is to say, an itinerary that coincides with roads or paths and presents, at various points along the route, some indicator marks that serve to confirm and follow the route. One of its attractions of the activity is to be able to contemplate, at the same time as we walk, nature and its elements. See how they change with the seasons, feel the tranquility, the smells, etc ... The route starts from the Dock of the Canal de Castilla, to bridge a gap of approximately 135 m. along 8.2 km, and reach the Refuge of Monte El Viejo, in an estimated time of ascent of 1 hour and 45 minutes.